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Jeff Becker

These options are NOT EXACT designs for your site. These offer features that we can use to design your custom site. We want feedback from you so we can expedite your process and get an idea for what you like and don't like on your website.

Within these template are features that we know you will find useful and items that you want to improve your site. The FEEDBACK FORM ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE IS CRUCIAL. Enter as much information about what you like or dislike about these templates and we will then combine everything to fit your specific needs. Lastly, the area that states, other URL addresses you like are options like the other companies you referenced in our meeting. If there are other company sites you like enter them there so I can review and add to your website!


We picked three templates that have features you mentioned in our initial meeting and additional options we feel you may like within those examples! Once you look through these options, fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will review your thoughts. Then, we will begin work on your new website!


REMINDER: You can like items from each of these options. Whatever you like please enter that in your response! Fonts, colors, logos content, layouts etc will all be customized. These are just starting points.

Jeff Becker


This option is a pretty straight forward multiple page option that showcases a lot of the features that you will want to use moving forward. Navigate your way through this option to see how you like the flow and the design features.

  • Motivational Speaker style website

  • Modern look with multiple features

  • Blog, Services, Online Courses and pricing tiers are showcased

  • Product sales options (the book on the homepage) so you can see how that could look

  • Membership log in on the top right where you could have your community sign up or join for special features

  • Bold colors and fonts with unique styles

  • Video Header on the homepage

Template Options
Jeff Becker


With this template you can really see some of the cooler more user friendly features like single page anchors and animations. It also has a business professional look to it that separates itself from the other options that kind of gives a quality credibility feel to it.

  • Simple but sleek look

  • Animation features are prominent

  • Parallax header images

  • Single page anchor feel that I think will work for what you're trying to do

  • More of a business professional look compared to option A

Jeff Becker


This option goes farther outside the box than the others to show you more feature availabilities. The unique sidebar navigation changes the whole feel of the website. Event centric template allows you to see how the events section can work for any speaking events you may do in the future.

  • Outside the box feel

  • Sidebar navigation instead of traditional top navigation

  • Event feature is prominent

  • Unique use of columns within each page

  • Heavy on extreme color scheme

  • More of a traditional page by page layout

Your Feedback

BECOME relevant.

REMAIN relevant.

BUILD loyalty & trust.


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